Best seo software the fastest way to rank a site

When you create a WordPress blog , there is a tendency to not leave a lot of options and settings in their state , without knowing if something change could have a significant impact on what we do with our blog. However, there are some tricks that can make you great service or avoid problems . You can also make some changes that will help you be more visible to search engines and thus bring more visitors to your blog and using best seo software. See in detail some tips that will help you better “fix” your blog to take better advantage :

Find a catchy slogan (Options > General)
Many bloggers do not take the time to define a true slogan for their blog. However, these words will be picked up by search engines as keywords leading to your site. You can , of course, you let go some poetry whatsoever, but if you really want to penetrate certain niche and be visible on the web , be sure to introduce some important words and directly related to the topic of your blog.

Create a Google sitemap (Options > Sitemap , after installing the plugin)
A Sitemap is a plan for your site that will be used by search engines to crawl your blog. It is important for a better ranking because blogs have countless pages and therefore the robots who come by need help to navigate with best seo software. Sitemap includes all your articles, the last time that the blog has been updated , the update frequency and importance, based on the traffic generated and the number of comments . This is an xml file stored on the server, and is at the same level as your blog.

To create a Google sitemap, which Googlebot is the robot who will most often on your blog, you just need to download a plugin , Google Sitemaps will take care to place the file in the right place for you. You only have to set the options according to your needs .

Increase the visibility of items ( Options> Playback)
Whether for the blog pages or RSS feeds, you can choose to change the number of items you want to appear on the first page of the blog or in your feed . Concerning the items on the index of the blog, I would advise you to limit the number if you have long articles to avoid long ” scrolls ” with the mouse. By cons , if your articles are short , or if you use the ” read more ” , do not hesitate to increase the number of items on the front page , visitors will have a better visibility of topics .
On the flus RSS , the option is set as standard on the last 10 articles. You can increase it if you want your readers to see more and increase your visibility.
Change the format of securities (Presentation > Theme Editor > header.php).
Even a little extra something to increase your visibility to search engines! Format page titles is what is used by these engines and will be displayed in the search results. If you want someone clicks on your link via Google for example, requires that the article in question is clearly visible . Off by default , WordPress the following format: ” Your blog >> Blog Archive >> Title of Article .” It is clear that format , the keywords are not immediately ” detectable ” . Many themes have changed the format and made it more interesting and readable. However , make sure it is your blog and if this format has not been changed , then go in the header.php file (via the Layout tab ) and find the following line of code

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